Welcome to Mercy!
At Mercy, we believe in empowering young women by unlocking their fullest potential and developing their unique gifts and talents. You’ll find that our core values are the driving force behind our educational philosophy and ties that bind us together as a Mercy community. Our students graduate with a sense of pride, purpose and principled leadership. They are confident leaders who are inspired by faith and have the courage to shine their light in the pursuit of social justice and service.
We are also proud to employ Mercy educators who are providing comprehensive and rigorous instruction to meet the needs of every student. And they do this within a trusting and caring environment where every individual feels valued, appreciated and loved.
Students are engaged at high levels across our curriculum through real-world, performance-based tasks. We are confident in this type of learning, as it provides them with the necessary skills to excel in their pursuits toward college and future careers. Mercy teachers and students are consistently engaged in learning opportunities that stretch their thinking in complex ways, allowing them to become creators, innovators and problem-solvers as opposed to just consumers of information.
You will find that Mercy is a place that is continuously growing and changing. A commitment to student and teacher learning is an expectation at Mercy. With this at the heart of our work, we focus our professional development around three big ideas: student learning, a culture of collaboration, and developing results.
Like our foundress Catherine McAuley, we at Mercy Academy “strive to do ordinary things extraordinarily well”. That is our Mercy way!
In Mercy,
Becky Wise Montague '91
Dr. Cynthia Smith-Ough
“No work of charity can be more productive to the good of society than the careful instruction of young women.” – Catherine McAuley, Foundress of the Sisters of Mercy