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Students with Accommodations

Any student with a learning, medical or physical need has the option to have a custom accommodation plan while at Mercy. By having a structured strategy in place, Mercy is able to help meet the individual needs of each student, supporting her in reaching her full academic and personal potential.

A psychoeducational assessment completed within the last three years is required for an academic accommodation plan. These assessments provide our counselors with the necessary information for developing the unique success plan. Some common accommodations include extended time or quiet space for testing, access to an e-reader, printed materials, etc.

Additionally, all freshmen with an accommodation plan will participate in a Guided Study block for support with academic organization and study skills. Guided Study is available for upperclasswomen with an accommodation plan based on individual need.

Ass students within the Learning Differences Program receive direct support from the Director of Learning Differences, the Learning Specialist and a personal guidance counselor.

For more information, please contact Stephanie McGarry at (502) 671-2010.

Program Highlights:

  • Comprehensive in-class and out-of-class accommodations to meet each student’s unique learning needs.
  • Optional entrance into the Academic Services Program to receive individualized intervention from a certified literacy specialist.
  • Structured guidance on organization and time management to ensure academic success.
  • Tutoring services in all academic courses.
  • Small group social skills sessions and workshops with other student participants.



How Mercy Approaches Learning



We ALL Learn Differently

Mercy faculty are committed to providing top tier instruction to all students, and thus differential instruction and evidence based teaching practices are built into the general curriculum at every level of learning.




Classes that Fit

Mercy provides a variety of levels of classes, ranging from Academic level support classes up to Advanced Placement. Movement between levels is fluid and based on student performance and academic needs. This means that students remain challenged, but can move at the pace and depth that best suits their own abilities and learning style.


Individualized Accommodations

Some students will need more individualized support than the general curriculum can provide. For those students that are eligible, individual Academic Accommodation Plans are available.




Tutoring Programs

Individual tutoring sessions available daily during study blocks and structured after-school tutoring program for more intensive needs.


Community of Support

All students have access to both academic and mental health support counselors. For students within the Learning Differences program, they also have additional support available from Learning Differences program faculty.



Independent Women

At Mercy, we know that every student is on her own journey to adulthood. Our goal is to develop the whole person, not simply the academic record. As such, our goal for each student is to build her own self-advocacy, organization, and social/emotional skills, in order to grow into the best verson of herself.