FACTS Application
Who is Eligible to apply for financial aid?
- All families with one or more students enrolled at Mercy are eligible to apply.
How do I apply?
- Click on the button above to complete Mercy's financial aid application process through FACTS. This is the company that provides financial need analysis for all forms of Catholic school tuition assistance. Please note, only one application is needed per family. It is important to list all children in Catholic school on the same application. If you have an existing FACTS account, you do not need to create a new one.
- Please select "2025-2026 School Year" for the application and select "Mercy Academy" as the school you would like to receive your information. Your completed application and fee of $35 should be submitted to FACTS between October 15 and November 30 (Current Families) or December 31 (New Families). Mercy will notify families of their award by March 2025.
What do I need?
- You'll need your 2023 tax return(s), W-2 form(s) and most recent pay stub(s) when completing the application.
Additional Information:
- You must apply for tuition assistance each school year.
- Given the volume of applications, we encourage you to apply early to ensure timely completion of the review process. Completed applications received by December 31 will be considered in the initial grant awards. Only a limited amount of tuition assistance is available for forms submitted after that date.
- You should upload your financial documents when submitting your application.
Additional tuition assistance is available through our scholarship and tuition discount programs, which include our Mercy Day scholarships, placement test scholarships and sisters' discount.
For questions regarding tuition and financial aid, please email our Director of Admissions, Emily McCullough.